
Showing posts from December, 2021

Why Investing in MRP Software is the Best Startup Idea for 2022?

  ·    How many times the company is bought and sold? ·    Are there many tenor employees, or change changes? ·    Has vendor ever bankrupt? ·    Do they develop their own software, or are they resellers? ·    How do they support their customers and platforms? You are looking for a system with a long and stable history in terms of leadership, staff and financial position. It is also recommended that you choose vendors who develop their own software, so you can go directly to the source if you experience any problems. Make sure you choose also offer special support, in-house, and routine updates.   Talk to their customers. The best way to find out how well the software will work for you is implementing it. However, because this is a vetting stage, the next best thing is to find a company that is almost identical to you who successfully use the software. If they make the same product, sell to customers who are the same and operate in the same industry as you do, and the software for the